Building Healthy Habits


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The Vision

Imagine a world where every child, regardless of their circumstances, has the opportunity to thrive, dream, and reach their full potential. Sadly, in our reality, many children in poverty face numerous challenges that hinder their growth and well-being. But amidst these struggles, hope shines through the "Building Healthy Habits" program.

With every meal shared, rainbow-colored plates, hydration goals, and joyful movement, we are weaving a tapestry of change in the lives of children served through this program. We are teaching them not just about nutrition, but about self-worth, resilience, and the power of healthy habits.

Through the "Building Healthy Habits" program, we are not just providing food, education, and resources to the children of financially-burdened families. We are sowing seeds of empowerment, resilience, and self-belief that will flourish within these children, guiding them towards a future where they can break free from the cycle of poverty and embrace a life of health and wellness.

The Why

1. Childhood Food Insecurity: According to recent data from Feeding America, approximately 1 in 6 children in the United States face food insecurity, meaning they do not have consistent access to enough nutritious food for a healthy life. This statistic highlights the urgent need for programs like Building Healthy Habits to address the nutritional needs of children living in poverty and improve their overall well-being.

2. Health Disparities and Obesity: Studies have shown a correlation between poverty and increased risk of childhood obesity. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that children from low-income families are more likely to be overweight or obese compared to their peers from higher-income households. By focusing on nutrition education and promoting healthy habits, the program can help combat these health disparities and reduce the risk of obesity-related health issues among children in poverty.

3. Educational Impact: Children experiencing poverty often face additional barriers to their educational success. The National Center for Children in Poverty states that inadequate nutrition can negatively impact cognitive development, academic performance, and behavioral outcomes. By addressing the nutritional needs of children through the Building Healthy Habits program, it can help create a solid foundation for learning, improve concentration, and enhance overall educational outcomes for children in poverty.

4. Lack of Educational Resources: According to studies from the CDC, "US students receive less than 8 hours of nutrition education per year, far below the 40-50 that are needed to affect behavior change."

The How

The "Building Healthy Habits" program is a nonprofit initiative designed by FeedNC to provide children between the ages of 7 and 11 with a comprehensive summer nutrition education program. The program aims to empower children in poverty to build healthy habits that they can carry with them into their teenage and adult years. Through engaging activities, hands-on experiences, and interactive lessons, children will explore topics such as nutrition education, eating the rainbow, sunshine and grounding, hydration, and movement. Children, along with parent support, will have weekly goals in hydration, nutrition, movement, mindfulness, and more to build upon and to create life-long healthy habits. 

Upcoming Classes

Summer 2023: July 6, 2023 - August 3, 2023 

Summer 2024: June 3, 2024 - August 1, 2024

To inquire about enrollment qualifications, please reach out to Brittany Holbert at

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